ONLINE BOOK A Soldier's Bounty
Revolutionary War pensions are the only pension or bounty land application files that have been reproduced fully on microfilm. The microfilmed records have also been digitized and made available online.
ONLINE BOOK A Soldier's Bounty
The volume and page numbers on the wrappers refer to books such as the "Choctaw" volume, or volume "1," as yet not located. The related bounty application records in Record Group 75, Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, do not correspond to these references. The actual warrants are arranged by the act and the number of acres and warrant number, and they are filed with the General Land Office records in Record Group 49.
This book contains information on the bounty lands granted for military service in the Revolutionary War. The book begins with a list of the military townships and an explanation of the allowances for each rank of soldier.
Also included in the bounty rolls is a list of the bounties paid to colored volunteers and draftees. This roll is arranged by the name of the company and then by the last name of the soldier. The record lists the soldier's full name, regiment, county of residence, date drafted, agent or attorney, date the bounty was paid, and the amount paid.
Important! The core collections of Revolutionary War records are at the U. S. National Archives [NARA]. The Archives assigns publication or microfilm numbers to its collections, for example, M804, M246. These collections or portions of them may be found in online digital sites, in books, or in articles. Often the source does not use the original NARA title. Always note which NARA number the particular records you are looking at were taken from to avoid duplicate search efforts and to know which sources you have not yet seen.
These indexes as well as the actual warrant books are now available online through the FamilySearch catalog at =Family%20History%20Library. They are locked databases and cannot be accessed at home, but they can be viewed at an authorized FamilySearch Library, such as the Vigo County Public Library.
Republic Claims. Database of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. Images of claims submitted for payment by the Republic, mainly for militarysupplies and soldiers' pay. May identify a soldier's captain. Available online as *.pdf files, from:
Bounty and Donation Land Grants of Texas 1835-1888, Thomas Lloyd Miller, Univ. of Texas Press, Austin, 1967. (Out of print.) Abstracts of military bounty and donation land grants of Texas for service between 1835 and 1888, from records of the Texas General Land Office. The TGLO land abstractsare online at the TGLO (see below), but Miller's statements ofmilitary service are not online and may be of interest. [For a list of names only, see Name Index in this site.]
One can enter just a surname to search the whole state. Men who obtained land with bounty or donation warrants from military service will show a District Class including the words "Bounty" (land grant awarded for enlistment) or "Donation" (land grant awarded by the Texas Legislature after important battles). Links at the site explain how to get photocopies of the complete records, which may include the names of heirs. The Land Officeplans to have the complete records online in the future.