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Things You Can Only Buy In Alabama _BEST_

2020 is probably the only year you can give hand sanitizer as a gift and get away with it. An Alabama distillery is making their sanitizing elixir, an 80% ethyl alcohol blend, in two scents: Rosemary Mint and Lavender Cream.

things you can only buy in alabama

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A fourth generation family owned company, Alaga Syrup has expanded not only their product line but also their corporate profile. One of its divisions is Whitfield Foods, offering product blending and co-packaging capabilities for both small and large customers.

Yes. ALL HUNTERS who wish to hunt white-tailed deer and/or feral swine with the aid of bait must purchase a required bait privilege license, INCLUDING LICENSE- EXEMPTED HUNTERS. A license- exempt hunter is anyone under the age of 16, residents 65 years or older, resident landowner and each resident family member that will hunt only on their own property. NO EXEMPTIONS. Hunting with the aid is prohibited on public lands.

Can I purchase a State Duck Stamp from a previous license year for my collection? Yes. State Duck Stamps from previous license years can be purchased by mail at: DCNR - License Section, 64 North Union Street, Suite 438, Montgomery, AL 36130. For inquires call (334) 242-3829 or e-mail at

Do I need a fishing license to fish from the bank? A license is not required to fish from the bank only in the county of residence with ordinary hook and line. Must have proof of Alabama residency, driver's license, etc.

Is a fishing license required to fish private lakes or ponds? No. Fishing licenses are only required to fish in public waters. Permission of the pond owner is required to fish a private lake or pond.

Yes. In fact, if you choose not to participate in nominating candidates for either political party, you can request a constitutional amendment ballot that contains only the proposed constitutional amendments.

Situated on the Mobile River, the GulfQuest National Maritime Museum of the Gulf of Mexico is an interactive location, making it one of the only interactive museums of this theme in the United States.

"The newspaper is probably the only thing left where if everybody reads the story in the same way and gets the same facts then you have a baseline, and that will go away," Davis says. "That's what newspapers do."

The patient will have to sign a consent form and enter a patient registry to obtain a medical cannabis card; the maximum the state can charge for the card is $65. Patients will be able to buy medical cannabis only at licensed dispensaries.

Yes. Binoculars, phones or cameras may be brought in, but no cases or bags will be allowed. Binoculars, phones, and cameras will be screened at the security checkpoint. At football games, these items will be placed in a bin while the spectator passes through the metal detector. This policy is not a restriction on items that fans have been able to bring into the stadium. It is only a restriction on the type of container used to carry those items.

The aforementioned small estate distinction allows an estate to skip over probate. However, it is only available if the overall legal value of the Alabama estate is no more than $25,000 and more than 30 days have passed since the estate holder died.

In order to obtain the disability access license plates, the vehicle (or vehicles) must be fully or partially owned by the person with the disability. It should be noted that to qualify for disability access parking credentials, the disability must be a mobility disability (the applicant must have problems in walking). There is no limit on the number of license plates that may be obtained. Anyone obtaining the disability access license plate may obtain only one (1) placard; anyone who does not obtain the license plate may qualify for two (2) placards. Temporary placards are available upon certification by the physician, using the application form, that the disability meets the federal criteria and is temporary. The maximum length of time for a temporary parking placard under federal law is six (6) months.

Love him ( his statue greets fans at Bryant-Denny Stadium) or hate him ( he's been called \"the devil himself\" and \"Nicky Satan\" by colleagues), Alabama coach Nick Saban can't be ignored. As he prepares for his shot at a fifth national championship, here are 10 things beyond the headlines that you might not know about one of the greatest coaches in college football history:

As a safety at Kent State, Saban was teammates with future Steelers Hall of Fame linebacker Jack Lambert and longtime Missouri coach Gary Pinkel, a tight end. When Saban was a senior in 1972 the Golden Flashes won the only Mid-American Conference championship in school history. Saban missed the final four games that season, including Kent State's Tangerine Bowl appearance, because of an ankle injury.

Saban was the subject of an authorized documentary, \"Nick Saban: Gamechanger.\" The film played in 26 theaters in SEC country (Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Tennessee) during its only week of release in 2010, earning $188,786. According to Box Office Mojo, the movie had the fourth-best per-screen average for the Aug. 27-29 weekend at $7,261. (The top movie that weekend was the heist flick \"Takers,\" which took in $20,512,304 on 2,206 screens for an average of $9,298.) Of course, many more movie-goers saw Saban on the big screen during a cameo role as himself in \"The Blind Side.\"

For the Crimson Tide fanatic with deep pockets, here's the best way to arrive at Bryant-Denny Stadium in style: the $200,000 Nick Saban Signature Series Mercedes-Benz Sprinter. The luxury van is loaded with pretty much every state-of-the-art feature imaginable, including a home theater system and three TVs. It seats seven in the cabin and two in the cockpit. You can only get one at Mercedes-Benz of Birmingham, which planned to produce 15 of these ultimate Alabama tailgating machines. Saban's son works at the dealership, and Saban himself was consulted while the van was being designed. 041b061a72


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